
August 24, 2024 – Home of Honorary President General Janet B. Walker, Macon, GA. President General Jo Lee Potts presented on her personal collection of historic Huguenot coins and how she started collecting these items. PG Potts also spoke on the state of the National Society. State President Joyce B. Patton provided members with a replica Méreau coin. These coins were tokens used in France during the late Middle Ages and Reformation.

January 13, 2024 – Petite Violette Restaurant, Atlanta, GA. Dr. Joe F. Head, retired Professor of History from Kennesaw State University, presented the program (“Rev. Sam Jones, His Forgotten Legacy”) to a group of 29 members and guests. Officers provided reports including welcoming 13 new members who were approved in 2023. The Georgia Steering Committee of the Friends of LaFayette in America discussed the bicentennial tour to occur in 2024 and 2025. The society approved funds to sponsor this event in 2025.

October 21, 2023 – Macon, GA. The Huguenot Society of Georgia hosted the 88th Congress of the National Huguenot Society October 19-22, 2023. Events were held at the Washington Memorial Genealogy Library, 1842 Inn, Idle Hour Country Club, and North Macon Presbyterian Church. President General Janet B. Walker presided over the annual meetings and events. Speakers included Cheryl Aultman, a local historian, who told the story of a young boy named LeRoy Wiley Gresham who lived at what is now the 1842 Inn, and a special appearance by Sidney Lanier, poet, soldier, lawyer, and musician, portrayed by Marty Willet. A bus tour of historic downtown Macon included the Hays House and Cannonball House among other stops. In addition to national business during the annual meeting, new national officers were elected with Georgia members Robins Towns elected as First Vice President General, Joyce Patton elected as Third Vice President General, and Marjorie Wilson elected as Corresponding Secretary General.

April 29, 2023 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. The Spring 2023 Meeting was held with excellent attendance. The society’s past two years has been very busy. The current membership stands at 151. Three issues of “Huguenot Happenings,” the newsletter of the Georgia Society, have been published and distributed by email and US Mail. The Spring issue of “Huguenot Happenings” was published, announcing the meeting, welcoming nine new members, and announcing the upcoming election and installation of new Officers. An entertaining and interesting program was presented by Dr. Martelia Cunningham, National President, Order of Ancient Planters, avid genealogist, and Pharm.D., on “Early Marriage and Courtship Customs.” Members of the Order of Ancient Planters joined us for the program and luncheon. Two members were pleased to attend the National Huguenot Society Annual Meeting and luncheon, held at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, DC on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, including Janet Walker, President General, and Robin Towns, President, Georgia Society and Recording Secretary General. State Second Vice President John Trussell and State Curator Dr. Cheryl Hunt Clements have worked diligently to research the placement of a historical marker for the now-extinct Elbert County town of Huguenot, Georgia, which has now been installed, located on the Granite City Walking Trail. The Fall Meeting and Dedication Ceremony was planned and scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2022, but unfortunately had to be postponed due to the forecasted threat of inclement weather associated with Hurricane Ian. This exciting event was rescheduled. The report of the Nominating Committee for the 2023-2025 Slate was presented. Officers were elected and installed by President General Janet B. Walker. Newly-elected President, Joyce Ball Patton, presented comments.

January 27, 2023 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. The Fall 2022 meeting was postponed and held in until January 2023, with excellent attendance. The Georgia Society was honored with the presence of President General Janet Walker. An excellent speaker, Tom Poland of Columbia, SC, presented a program on Huguenot, Georgia, the now-extinct town in northeast Georgia. Poland has researched and recorded the history of the Huguenot people, the locale, and the built environment. The meeting included a luncheon and business meeting, where the membership voted to sponsor ten (10) wreaths for “Wreaths Across America” for 2023; to sponsor a full-page ad in the 2023 Georgia DAR State Conference Program; and to establish a system for online payment for members to use to pay annual dues, donations, and luncheon fees. The Nominating Committee for 2022-2024 Slate were elected. The fundraising table had excellent sales. In October 2022, the Huguenot Society of Georgia enjoyed representation at the 87th National Congress in Huntsville, Alabama, including President General Janet Walker and delegates Robin Towns, President; Joyce Patton, First Vice President; and Dr. Cheryl Hunt-Clements, Curator. We are proud of our own Janet Walker, serving as President General, for her very successful National Congress! During the 87th National Congress, the society voted to meet for the 88th National Congress to be held on October 19-21, 2023, here in historic Macon, Georgia. As the home state society of President General Janet Walker, Georgia will be proud to be hosting the National Congress. Excellent committees of volunteers signed up to attend and participate in showcasing our beautiful State of Georgia, and to provide an exciting and outstanding meeting.

April 30, 2022 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. The Spring meeting speaker was Saralyn DeSmet, PhD, Professor, Wesleyan College, whose presentation on “French Culture and Language Around the World” was well received and enjoyed by the membership. The annual Memorial Service was presented by the Chaplain, honoring two deceased members, Carolyn Cripps Latimer and David Melson Butler. Members received the Spring Issue of “Huguenot Happenings” with the meeting notice. Georgia members attending the National Huguenot Society Annual Meeting and luncheon, held at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, DC on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, included Janet Walker, President General; Marjorie Wilson, Fourth VP General; Robin Towns, President, Georgia Society and Recording Secretary General; and Joyce Patton, Vice President, Georgia Society and Organizing Secretary General.

October 30, 2021 – Petite Violette Restaurant, Atlanta, GA. The Fall meeting enjoyed speaker Dr. William Yoo, Associate Professor, Columbia Theological Seminary, who presented an interesting view on “The Formation of Immigrant Religious Communities in the United States.” Several members attended the National Huguenot Society in Charlottesville, Virginia in October 2021, including Janet Walker, President General, Marjorie Wilson, Fourth VP General; Robin Towns, President, Georgia Society and Recording Secretary General; Joyce Patton, Vice President, Georgia Society and Organizing Secretary General; and Delegate Billy Walker. Details of the very successful meeting were presented by Vice President Joyce Patton. The new Yearbook was distributed to members. The fund-raising table successfully provided Huguenot items for members to purchase. The society voted to sponsor ten (10) wreaths for Wreaths Across America; to continue to purchase a full page advertisement in the DAR State Conference Program; and to add to Standing Rules: to establish an Annual Membership in Lineage Societies of Georgia for $50 annually. Second Vice President John Trussell reported on his and Dr. Cheryl Hunt-Clements research and work on placing of an historical marker for the now-extinct Elbert County town of Huguenot, Georgia. The Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship of $1000 was awarded to two deserving students, Analyssa Braydon Trussell of Bonaire, and Oliver Peavy Sims of Decatur. Copies of the “Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors” were distributed to libraries around the state of Georgia.

March 27, 2021 – Zoom Digital Meeting. Our 2nd Vice President John Trussell gave an update on our project to place a marker in Elberton recognizing the early Huguenot settlement of Huguenot in Elbert County. Thanks to the generosity of our members, our Society was able to make a $500 donation to the President’s General Project. In addition, we are continuing the project begun by Janet Butler Walker to place Huguenot Reference books in libraries around the state. Our program was presented by Nancy Brennan, National Huguenot Society Genealogist General, Past Registrar General, 2009-2015 and Past State President, Huguenot Society of Texas. Her program was “Huguenots & their Descendants in the Revolutionary War.” She also included “Finding your Huguenot Ancestor: Methods and Sources.”

August 22, 2020 – Zoom Digital Meeting. After our Business Meeting our special program was presented by Tom Poland, who was awarded the Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian honor in the State of South Carolina. He has published more than 14 books and twice as many articles on South Carolina. His program was “the Huguenots in the Up Country of South Carolina.”

Spring 2020 – Meeting was cancelled due to the Coronavirus Shutdown. The Society presented the Georgia Archives with a donation to provide the software and training for a scanner that digitizes microfiche. Due to a family illness, Sharron Tamm resigned as Treasurer. Joyce Ball Patton accepted the appointment and was confirmed by the Board to complete her term as Treasurer. Robin R. Towns was appointed as Parliamentarian.

August 24, 2019 – Marietta Country Club, Kennesaw, GA. After our Business Meeting, our program was presented by Bill Cagle, the Director of the Pickens County Historical Society. His program was “the History of Georgia Marble.” In addition to our books donations to the Pickens County Library, our Society presented him with a donation to the Pickens County Historical Society.

March 24, 2018 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Spring event consisted of meet and greet social time, luncheon and program presentation by Bill Weeks on “The Search for Fort Caroline – New Perspectives.” President Juanita Nichols Jones presented Honorary Past Presidents John Parham Rabun and Marion Bird Martin with state President’s bar engraved with their years of service. Among our many special guests was Steve Allen of Egg Media/Salient Interactive Solutions our website manager. John Rabun invited members to attend Tattnall County Archives Conference to be held June 16, 2018 in Reidsville, GA. The society gave donations to Washington Library in Macon, GA, Statesboro Library in Statesboro, GA, Atlanta History Center, and Huguenot books to Switzer Library in Cobb County, GA.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 – Atlanta County Club, Marietta, GA. Speaker Beverly Baker, member and Past Regent James Stewart NSDAR Chapter, “The Nation’s Guest: Marquis de Lafayette’s tour of America in 1824.” We had 45 members and guests attending our general membership fall meeting. The group recognized our member Mary Wellborn Zelliff, direct descendant of the Huguenot Daniel Huger. It was the home of Major Benjamin Huger, son of Daniel Huger, that Marquis de Lafayette stayed in the first night he arrived in America. Announcement was made by President Juanita Nichols Jones of two $1,000 Zada Bird Brannen scholarship awards, one to Davis Bowman, grandson of member Sara Parker Sims, and one to Johnny Peavy, grandson of member Tina Gowdy Peavy. $1,000.00 was donated to the new Tattnall County Archives, $1,000.00 to Georgia Archives for rebinding. A silent auction fund raiser was held by Chair of Ways and Means Committee Kate Messer.

APRIL 29, 2017 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA, Speaker H.G. Robertson, owner of Fine Silver, Atlanta, GA “The History of Silver & Huguenot Silversmiths, The Three Pauls: Paul de Lamerie, Paul Revere, Paul Storr. President Janet Walker announced our Zeda Bird Brannen Scholarship winner was Anna Wagner, granddaughter of member Frances “Bitsy” McFarland. President Walker also announced Shelby Gowdy, niece of member Tina Peavy, was recipient of The National Huguenot Society scholarship of $5,000. Marjorie Wilson, 2nd V.P. announced the new slate of 2017-2019 officers. New Officers were sworn in by Noella Oberlin, Corresponding Secretary General of The National Huguenot Society. Dr. James Upshaw, son of Dr. Charles Bell Upshaw, Jr. M.D., presented the Chapter with a scrapbook that his father created. Newly elected President, Juanita Jones, expressed how much Dr. Upshaw meant to the society through his leadership and generosity. The society will be honoring his memory through memorial gifts and donations.

AUGUST 20, 2016 – Atlanta Country Club, Marietta, GA, Program was “45th Anniversary Year Celebration” presented by long time members Natalie Barfield, Sarah Upshaw Crittenden, Todd Frary, Geoffrey Oosterhoudt, and a recorded history and stories written by John Rabun, a Charter Member, of his society experiences was read by Marjorie Wilson. A thank you letter for donation to Elk Run Mini-Museum and Historical Park, a stopping point for rest and supplies for military and militia during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), was shared. The members enjoyed fellowship with one another and were treated to a wide variety of very special French desserts.

APRIL 30, 2016 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA, Speaker Dr. Christopher Stokes, “The Lanier Family in England and Early America”. We had 23 guests, welcomed 1 new member and have 27 prospective members. Geoffrey Oosterhoudt, Librarian reported contributing to 15 libraries throughout Georgia. President Janet Walker announced Shelby Gowdy as the Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship winner for 2016 and she chose French Santee, A Huguenot Settlement in Colonial South Carolina for donation to various libraries. Donation of $500 was to be made to Elk Run Anglican Church Site Preservation and Historic Site project in Farquier County, VA for an Interpretive Sign. Ways and Means Chair, Rebecca West held a Silent Auction Fundraiser.

AUGUST 22, 2015 – Indian Hills Country Club, Marietta, GA. Speaker: John Colletta, a professor, author and national speaker held two sessions entitled, “Keepers of the Records” and “Is Anybody There?” with a luncheon in between. We had many guests from other lineage societies and organizations. We welcomed three new members with New Member Packets. Dr. Charles Upshaw was presented a certificate of appreciation for his past and continual support of our Society. He was given a Huguenot tie as a thank you gift for all he has done. Door prizes were awarded at five different intervals. The Society voted to donate Huguenot books to several libraries and to fund an era-appropriate Cross for the Elk Run Anglican Church in Virginia.

MARCH 28, 2015 – Barnstormer’s Grill, Williamson, GA. First Vice President Janet Walker presided in the absence of President Oosterhoudt who was out because of illness. New officers were elected and then installed by Sheila Richards, 2nd Vice President General. Sheila Richards was presented the Mereau Award for Outstanding Service to the Georgia Society. Becky West held a Ways & Means Silent Auction.

OCTOBER 18, 2014 – Doubletree Hotel, Augusta, GA. Speakers: Dr. Anita Spring and Dr. Fletcher Crowe, “The Search for Fort Caroline, the Oldest Fortified Settlement in North America: Multidisciplinary Research and Multi-Site Archeology.” This was well-attended and included various guests from other lineage societies. The professors had a power-point presentation which included their recent research which showed that Fort Caroline was actually in Georgia, not Florida as has been accepted as the location up until now. Sheila Richards was appointed Nominating Chairman to form her committee and recruit the next set of officers.

APRIL 26, 2014 – Eagles Landing Country Club, Stockbridge, GA. Speaker: Dr. Tim Crimmins, President, Friends of Georgia Archives. He gave an update on the Archives and invited all to a “Behind the Scenes” Tour of the Archives following the luncheon. Dr. Crimmins was given a $500 check for use by the Friends for the purchase and restoration of books for the Archives. The Ways & Means Silent Auction raised a total of $360.

AUGUST 24, 2013 – McKinnon’s Lousianne Restaurant, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Burson, Professor of History at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, who spoke on the St. Bartholomew’s Massacre on April 24, 1572. David Peavy, a student at Tennessee Tech and the winner of this year’s scholarship award was introduced. He is the son of Tina Peavy. It was announced by President Oosterhoudt that $1000 would be donated to the Huguenot Church in Charleston, SC since they are undergoing a major renovation. Also, books were donated to selected genealogical libraries around the state.

OCTOBER 22, 2011 – Capital City Club, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mr. Richard Naegel, historian, linguist and CDC medical editor, “Siege of Sancerre During the Fourth War of Religion in 16th Century France.” The Nominating Committee presented the suggested slate of officers, who were voted on and approved, and were installed by special guest Faye Charpentier-Ford, First Vice-President General of the National Huguenot Society. Mary Reed Daugette, recipient of the Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship, spoke to the membership on how important the scholarship had been in her life decisions. A donation was collected for the “Return of the Appling Sword” to Georgia.

APRIL 30, 2011 – Downtown Grill, Macon, GA. Speaker: Mr. James Barfield, noted author and historian, gave a presentation on the Macon area covering the pre-historic period through the 21st century. The Nominating Committee for the next slate of officers was approved. Sheila Richards reported on plans for the National Board Meeting to be held in Atlanta in October, 2012. Luncheon was held at the Downtown Grill.

OCTOBER 30, 2010 – Ansley Golf Club, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mr. James Blair, International Project Manager for Georgia Economic Development, “American-French Business Connections.” John Rabun announced the donation of $200.00 to the Georgia Room of the Cobb County Library in Marietta.

APRIL 24, 2010 – Statesboro Regional Library, Statesboro, GA. Speaker: Dr. E. Joe Johnson, Assistant Professor of French, Clayton State University, “In Sickness and Health: The Depiction of Friendship in French Children’s Literature of the Revolutionary Era.” The Society presented a $200.00 check to the Statesboro Regional Library for the purchase of Huguenot-related material. Luncheon was held at the Beaver House.

OCTOBER 2009 – Ansley Golf Club, Election of Officers for 2010 and presentation of the Huguenot Flag to the Georgia Society.

APRIL 2009 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Mr. Talley spoke about Huguenot history.

OCTOBER 2008 – Home of Dr. and Mrs. James Upshaw in Macon, GA. A musical program featured the membership jointly singing “La Cevenole.” Members John Parham Rabun, Jr., Lucy Ann Phillip Singleton and Marion Bird Martin were honored as Distinguished Members of the Georgia Society 2009.

APRIL 2008 – Highland Country Club, LaGrange, GA.

OCTOBER 27, 2007 – The Fall Meeting was held at the recently renovated Queen Anne home of Douglas and Rachael Frey in Historic Marietta. A tour of the classic home followed the meeting.

APRIL 28, 2007 – Lafayette Manor, Washington, GA – Speaker: Mr. Skeet Willingham, noted author and lecturer of Wilkes County and Washington, Georgia.

NOVEMBER 11, 2006 – Mountain Creek Inn, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA. A tour of Callaway Gardens followed the annual meeting.

APRIL 30, 2006 – Shilling Restaurant, Historic Marietta Square. Presentation by Ms. Carolyn M. Crawford of the Georgia Room of the Cobb County Library System.

OCTOBER 29, 2005 – The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation at Lake Oconee, Greensboro, GA. Speaker: Antony Fernandez, Chef, discussed the art of French Pastry. New Officers were proposed and elected for the 2005-2007 term of office.

APRIL 30, 2005 – Statesboro Regional Library, Statesboro, GA. Speaker: Dr. David Seaman, professor of French, Georgia Southern University, ”The Lettrist Movement in France.” Luncheon was held at the Beaver House.

OCTOBER 3, 2004 – City Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Joe Claxton, Mercer University Law professor, “Finding Life in the Law: The Seriousness and The Fun of Legal History.” Door prizes and visual displays were on hand of various Huguenot-themed items. A number of guests made the gathering more festive.

APRIL 25, 2004 – Truman’s Restaurant in McDonough, GA. Speaker: Mark Jones, Mercer University professor of Law. Discussion on animal trials held during the Renaissance in France. A raffle was held of a French related book and of a stained glass Huguenot Cross provided by Laura Upshaw.

OCTOBER 25, 2003 – Hill-Pike House, Macon, GA. Mary and Sandy Pike hosted this meeting in their historic home, honoring our President, Sarah Upshaw. Those in attendance were guests of the Pike’s for an outstanding lunch. Musical entertainment was provided by harpist, Emily Wren Colton, a new member, and the Smith Family Musicians of Walton County. Certain new officers were elected and installed. Several other officers, who first took office in 1999, reluctantly agreed to remain in office until the Fall of 2005. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Miss Sarah Upshaw and Mr. Guyton McCall. At the conclusion of the program the Hill-Pike House was opened for viewing. Fifty-four Members and guests made for a record attendance.

APRIL 26, 2003 – Charleston’s, a new restaurant in Macon, GA. Speaker: Rebecca Rochet, instructor in fashion marketing at American Intercontinental University, gave an interesting talk on French Fashion. Mr. John Rabun was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation.

OCTOBER 19, 2002 – Grits Café, Forsyth, GA. Speaker: Dr. Beth Stewart of the Mercer University Art Department, who gave a lecture about the influence on art as represented by Catholicism as compared with art as represented by Protestantism. There were thirty Members and guests in attendance. Dr. Sandy Pike was made an Honorary Member, and Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Mrs. Lou Singleton and Dr. Charles Upshaw.

APRIL 27, 2002 – W.H. Stanton Memorial Library, Social Circle, GA. Speaker: Dr. Robert Good of the Mercer University history department, whose topic was “What to Remember? Commemorating French Protestantism.” His talk was followed by a lively question and answer session. The current slate of officers was confirmed as serving until the 2003 annual meeting. The resignation of Lou Singleton as Registrar after many years of faithful service was accepted with regret. Michael Motes was elected to fill this position. Through the generosity of Dr. Charles B. Upshaw, Jr., the LeRoy-Upshaw Memorial Endowment Fund was established, with an initial gift of $6,000.00 Luncheon was enjoyed at the renowned Blue Willow Inn. Forty-three were present.

OCTOBER 27, 2001 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Maryel Battin, a native of Scotland who now lives in Macon, whose subject was “French Furniture and Decorative Arts. The election and installation of officers was postponed, pending completion of a proposed slate.

APRIL 14, 2001 – The home of James and Amanda Upshaw in Shirley Hills, one of Macon’s beautiful old neighborhoods. A program of French music was offered by Marie Roberts, soprano. Luncheon was followed by a tour of the Upshaw’s recently restored 1923 house. Thirty-four were present.

OCTOBER 28, 2000 – Back Burner Restaurant, Macon, GA. Speaker: Christian Losito, owner of the restaurant, who gave a lesson in French cooking. Forty-five were present. Afterwards, a number of those attending the luncheon meeting went to Marketplace 2000, sponsored by the Macon Junior League, as guests of Sarah Upshaw and Amanda Upshaw.

APRIL 22, 2000 – The President’s Dining Room in the Connell Student Center on the Mercer University campus in Macon, GA. Speaker: Dr. Anna Weaver, Professor of French at Mercer University, who gave the 38 Members and guests a lesson in the French language. Dr. and Mrs. J. Sanders Pike presented the Society with a gavel carved from Georgia heart pine from their 18th century house. Librarian Smith Banks announced that in 1999 a total of $560 was donated by Members of the Society in memory of the late Michael E. Collins toward the purchase of Huguenot related books by the Statesboro Regional Library. The meeting was followed by a tour of the historic Hay House.

OCTOBER 30, 1999 – Milledgeville Country Club, Milledgeville, GA. Speaker: Mr. Arthur Louis Finnell, Registrar General of the National Society, who gave a slide presentation about the Headquarters of the National Society in Bloomington, MN. New officers were elected and installed. By unanimous vote, Mrs. Marion Bird Martin was named an Honorary State President.

APRIL 24, 1999 – Milledgeville Country Club, Milledgeville, GA. No speaker was scheduled. A Memorial Service was held in remembrance of the following: Mr. Michael Everett Collins, Mrs. Oscar L. Harley, and Mrs. Emily Wood. The Business Meeting was followed by a social period, sponsored by Mrs. Mary Upshaw Pike and her husband, Dr. J. Sanders Pike. After lunch, Members and guests enjoyed a Trolley Tour of Milledgeville, viewing many of the beautiful and historic buildings in the City. The Tour Guide gave brief histories of the sites visited.

OCTOBER 24, 1998 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Dr. Jasper Hogan, a local historian, who presented an interesting discussion of the famous, and mysterious, Burge murder, which occurred in 1960. A Memorial Service was held for our late Member, Mrs. Juanita Everett Collins.

APRIL 25, 1998 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Mr. James E. Barfield, local historian of Macon and a Past President of the Middle Georgia Historical Society. He spoke on the early history of Macon and mentioned several early families who have Huguenot names. His emphasis was on Sidney Lanier, the Macon native of Huguenot descent, who became an outstanding poet of the nineteenth century.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1997 – Statesboro Regional Library, Statesboro, GA. Speaker: Mr. Smith Callaway banks, Huguenot Society of Georgia Librarian, who gave an informative account of the history of the Library, with special emphasis on the Library’s impressive Huguenot collection. He reviewed the outstanding contributions to the Library by the late William Lawton Brannen, an Organizing Member of the Society, and by Hulda Kelly, a Member of the Society. Officers were elected and installed.

MARCH 22, 1997 – Athens Country Club, Athens, GA. Speaker: The Hon. Robert G. Stephens, former congressman from Georgia, who gave a humorous and highly entertaining talk on his experiences as a lawyer in Athens and as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1996 – Midway Church, Midway, GA. Speaker: The Rev. Franklin Sasser, “Clergy During the Revolutionary Era.” Luncheon was followed by a tour of the historic cemetery at Midway.

MARCH 30, 1996 – Milledgeville Country Club, Milledgeville, GA. Speaker: Dr. Robert W. Wilson, III, Georgia College, “The History of Milledgeville.” A tour of the Old Governor’s Mansion followed the meeting.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 – Roswell Founders Club, Roswell, GA. Karen Farnsworth, the guest speaker, gave an interesting talk entitled “The Importance of Doing a Personal History.” The Society’s first auction was held, with Dr. sanders Pike as auctioneer. New officers were elected and were installed by Mrs. Harry L. Dickey, Honorary State President.

MARCH 25, 1995 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Dr. Thomas Scott of the Mercer University faculty gave a talk on the Huguenot colonization effort in Florida in the 16th century. John Rabun delivered a paper on the Fontaines, the Huguenot family of which he is a member.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1994 – The Rev. Travis T. DuPriest, President General, National Huguenot Society, was the guest of the Society, and was the principal speaker. The meeting was held at Hodgson Hall, the headquarters of the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah. Luncheon was at the Oglethorpe Club. The previous evening, a number of members met for an informal dinner at Snapper’s Restaurant. Following the luncheon at the Oglethorpe Club, some members proceeded to Purrysburg, SC, the site of a Huguenot settlement, and from there to Charleston, where they attended a service at the French Protestant Church the following day.

APRIL 16, 1994 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Our Chaplain, The Rev. John C. Davis, was the principal speaker. He gave an inspirational talk, and Larry DeLapp gave a brief history of the Bennings, the Huguenot family of which he is a member.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1993 – Historic Hill-Pike House in Cobb County, GA, the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sanders Pike, who moved the ca. 1788 house from Washington, GA, to Cobb County, a distance of 120 miles, and restored it at its new site.

MARCH 27, 1993 – Jerusalem Church, New Ebenezer, Effingham County, GA. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Waldhour of Rincon, dressed in natives costumes, gave an account of the history of the Salzburgers. Delicious luncheon, prepared by Mike Collins, was served in the church social hall.

DECEMBER 12, 1992 – Reception for members and guests at the Idle Hour Country Club in Macon, GA, was well attended.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1992 – Sidney Lanier Cottage, Macon, GA. Speaker: Mrs. Richard Massie (née Minla Lanier) discussed the genealogy of the Lanier family. Her talk was followed by a film on the life of Sidney Lanier.

APRIL 23, 1992 – At the invitation of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina, a delegation from the Huguenot Society of Georgia attended the annual meeting of the South Carolina Society in Charleston. Highlights of the weekend included Sunday morning service at the French Protestant Church.

MARCH 28, 1992 – Idle Hour Country Club, Macon, GA. Speaker: Miss Carroll Hart, former Director of the Georgia Department of Archives and History, who spoke on the research she had done on David Demorast, an architect of Huguenot descent, who moved from New York to Georgia in the nineteenth century, and some of whose buildings can still be seen in Georgia.

SEPTEMBER 28, 1991 – Willow Lake Country Club, Metter, GA. Speaker: Dr. Charles D. Horton, Baptist minister, spoke on Reformation history. Service marked the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Huguenot of Georgia at the same location.

MAY 11, 1991 – Festive day in Madison, hosted by Juanita Collins, Shirley Denhard, Mike Collins and John Rabun, which featured a service in the Church of the Advent, Episcopal, a tour of historic houses, luncheon in the Parish House and a presentation in the church of patriotic and religious hymns.

APRIL 6, 1991 – Best Western Motel, Macon, GA. President Mildred Dickey gave a detailed report concerning the problems of the National Huguenot Society, as discussed at the recent meeting she attended in Sarasota, FL.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1990 – Johnny Harris Restaurant, Savannah, GA. Speaker: Dr. Janet Stone, Professor of French History, Armstrong State College, who spoke concerning the history of the Huguenots in France.

MARCH 31, 1990 – French Quarter Suites, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Arthur F. Stocker, President General, National Huguenot Society, and history professor at the University of Virginia, who spoke on Huguenot history.

OCTOBER 28, 1989 – Best Western Motel, Macon, GA. Speaker: Dr. Martha Turner of the Georgia College faculty, who spoke on the life of Christopher DuBignon, once owner of Jekyll Island.

APRIL 1, 1989 – Holiday Inn, Statesboro, GA. Speaker: Miss Henrietta Royal, Librarian, Statesboro Regional Library, who spoke concerning the Zada Bird Brannen Genealogy Room in said library.

SEPTEMBER 24, 1988 – French Quarter Suites, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mr. Graham Thomas Smallwood, Jr., President General, National Huguenot Society, who stressed the need for communication among the various Huguenot societies.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1987 – Willow Lake Country Club, Metter, GA. Program of Huguenot songs presented by Jim and Debbie Tipps of Metter.

SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 – French Quarter Suites, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Lou Singleton, who gave a slide presentation of the 1985 Huguenot Pilgrimage to England, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

OCTOBER 12, 1985 – Tower Place Hotel, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Dr. George F. Walker of the Georgia Tech faculty, who spoke on the European background of the Huguenots.

APRIL 13, 1985 – Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA. Speaker: The Rev. Stan Sizemore, pastor of the historic church, who traced the relationship of the Protestant Reformation to political democracy.

OCTOBER 13, 1984 – Guillebeau House, Hickory Knob State Park, SC. Speaker: Dr. Michael Foley, Chief Historian, South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, who was involved in the relocation and preservation of the Guillebeau House, the last surviving house of the New Bordeaux settlement in South Carolina.

APRIL 14, 1984 – Milledgeville Country Club, Milledgeville, GA. Speaker: Dr. Martin Turner of the Georgia College faculty, whose talk focused on the man believed to be the last Huguenot martyr, Jean Cales of Toulouse, France.

OCTOBER 8, 1983 – Holiday Inn, Marietta, GA. Speaker: Dr. Brian G. Armstong, Chairman, Department of History, Georgia State University.

APRIL 2, 1983 – Holiday Inn, Augusta, GA. Speaker: Dr. Edward J. Cashin, Chairman, Department of History, Augusta College, “History of Augusta.”

OCTOBER 2, 1982 – Admiral Benbow Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mrs. Frances Burns, Registrar General, National Society, presented slides of the 1981 pilgrimage to France.

APRIL 3, 1983 – Downtowner Hotel, Savannah, GA. Speaker: Dr. Russell J. Mercer, Honorary State President, The Huguenot Society of Georgia, and currently a candidate for Lieutenant Gevernor, “Huguenot History.”

OCTOBER 10, 1981 – Tower Place Hotel, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mr. Franklin Garrett, “The Early History of Atlanta and the Surrounding Metropolitan Area.” The Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship was awarded to four recipients.

APRIL 11, 1981 – John Wesley Hotel, Savannah, GA. Speaker: Dr. Julia Floyd Smith, Georgia Southern College, GA (present-day Georgia State University), “The Old Township of Perrysburg, St. Peters Parish, SC.” (The social life of the Huguenot Society)

OCTOBER 10, 1980 – Hickory Knob State Park, McCormick, SC. Speaker: Miss Anne Gilbert, “New Bordeaux, SC, and its Georgia Connection.” Mrs. Luther Swanstrom, Jr. of the Illinois Society, President General of the National Society, was in attendance.

MAY 5, 1980 – Holiday Inn, Statesboro, GA. Speaker: Dr. Dale W. Lick, President, Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, GA, “Education in the 80’s.”

OCTOBER 7, 1979 – Milledgeville Country Club, Milledgeville, GA. Speaker: Dr. James C. Bonner, Professor Emeritus of History, Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA, “Social Life in Colonial America.”

APRIL 15, 1979 – Northlake Hilton Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Ms. Amy Friedlander, Emory University, Decatur, GA, “A Study in Cultural Pluralism in the Colonial South.”

OCTOBER 7, 1978 – Baptist Village, Waycross, GA. Program: A Tour of the Okefenokee Swamp Park. Speaker: Dr. Lewis William Swinson, Hazlehurst, GA, “Huguenot Society of America vs. Our Branch.”

APRIL 1, 1978 – Holiday Inn, Madison, GA. Speaker: The Rev. Thomas J. White, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA, “Glory of the Dream.”

SEPTEMBER 24, 1977 – Admiral Benbow Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Mrs. David L. Ramsey, “George Washington, Huguenot.”

APRIL 2, 1977 – Pine Mountain Chalets, Pine Mountain, GA. Speaker: Dr. C. Lee Harwell, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, “A College Student’s Reaction to War: Letters of Grant Davis Heard, Confederate Army.”

OCTOBER 6, 1976 – Washington-Wilkes Country Club and Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA. Speakers: musical program presented by Mr. & Mrs. John Singleton, “Huguenot Faith in Huguenot Psalms.”

APRIL 3, 1976 – Willow Lake Country Club, Metter, GA. Speaker: Mrs. James Baker, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC, “Escape to Dawn,” (a dramatization based on a letter translated from the manuscripts of the South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC.) dramatized by Mrs. James Baker, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC.

OCTOBER 18, 1975 – Hilton Hotel, Macon, GA. Speaker: Dr. Spencer B. King, Jr., Retired History Professor, Mercer University, “Our Heritage from the Huguenots.”

MAY 31, 1975 – King and Prince Hotel, St. Simons Island, GA. Speaker: Capt. John H. Carmichael, USN (Ret.), “First Settler of St. Simons Island.”

NOVEMBER 2, 1974 – Stone Mountain Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Kenneth Thomas, Researcher, Historic Preservation Section, State Department of Natural Resources, “A Review of Restoration Projects of the Department.” The Zada Bird Brannen Scholarship Fund established.

MAY 25, 1974 – Downtowner Motor Inn, Savannah, GA. Speaker: Mrs. Betty Ravers, “Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in Savannah.”

OCTOBER 29, 1973 – Sheraton Motor Inn, Macon, GA. Speaker: David V. Prugh, President General, National Society, “French Heraldry.”

MARCH 31, 1973 – Admiral Benbow Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Beverly M. DuBose, Jr., President, Atlanta Historical Society, “Preservation of Homes in Atlanta.”

NOVEMBER 11, 1972 – DeSoto Hilton Hotel, Savannah, GA. Speaker: Dr. Charles D. Horton, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Metter, GA.

MAY 20, 1972 – Baconsfield Club House, Macon, GA. Speaker: Dr. Oscar C. Page, Dean, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA.

NOVEMBER 6, 1971 – Stone Mountain Inn, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: David V. Prugh, Goffstown, NH, President General, National Society, conducted the installation of the first officers of the fledgling Society.

JUNE 26, 1971 – Willow Lake Country Club, Metter, GA. The Huguenot Society of Georgia was organized by Mrs. William Lawton Brannen, Organizing President. Eighteen Organizing Members were present. Speaker: Dr, Charles D. Horton, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Metter.